Fiscal Obligations of U.S. Expatriates Living in Portugal

Below we have placed the streaming of Seminar hold in Lisbon last February 20th on the Tax Obligations of U.S. Citizens in Portugal.

An informative and eye-opening event on the Fiscal Obligations of Expats living in Portugal. Our expert speakers will guide you through the ins and outs of the tax return preparation.

Reporting requirements, the Portuguese fiscal obligations and its implications with the US Tax Return, the reporting Foreign Income and assets, the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE) and the Foreign Tax Credit (FTC), the application of the Treaty to Avoid Double taxation and future developments, FATCA and FBAR compliance, tax season in Portugal and the US, deadlines, extension to file, civil penalties, self-employment, tax rates, credits and deduction on the tax returns, etc.

Organized jointly US Tax Consultants and American Club of Lisbon.

You can also download the PDF of the PRESENATION

Fiscal Obligations of U.S. Expatriates Living in Portugal-20250220_172230-Meeting Recording.mp4


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